Our October Makers' League project takes an old favorite into a new era...
It's Easy Does It - Cabled Era!
I mean, look at that stitch definition!

We used a brand-new yarn - Mirasol Chusku. It's 100% nonsuperwash Corriedale, and everything you could want in a yarn. Beautiful colors, ethically sourced, and outstanding stitch definition.

Fun fact: Chusku means "cross-breed" - Corriedale sheep were created by crossing a Lincoln Long-haired sheep with a Merino sheep. Who knew?
We LOVE. We know you will too. :)
Each kit includes:
2 skeins of Mirasol Chusku - 100% Non-superwash Corriedale Wool
Hard copy of Easy Does It - Cabled Era pattern.
First 100 kits will also receive our monthly patch - an adorable little pumpkin.
You will need a US 7 - 24" needle.
Join us the first Sunday of every month (2nd Sunday in Sept!) for a Makers League Meet up. Bring any Makers Project and get help for FREE!
Click here to let us know you are coming.