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Plant presses provide a special way of cherishing the beauty of the natural world and make the perfect accessory for journaling, scrapbooking, and sketchbooks. A fun way for customers to collect small specimens on their travels, secure them in the press and tuck safely into their project bag to later add dried flowers and plants to their journal for adornment and inspiration, or incorporate them into their work. A thoughtful gift for nature lovers or adventurers.

The Plant Press is designed for portability and ease of use, with clear instructions etched on one side. Like our other tools, it is made out of durable and attractive hard wood, and uses sturdy brass hardware. It's a unique addition to any crafter's collection.

Smaller (2.5" x 2.5") Plant Press Kit includes:

2 piece Wooden Plant Press w/ Standard Nut & Bolt Brass Hardware (instructions etched on one side)
2 x Pieces of Cardboard
1 x Template to trace your blotting paper

Bigger (4.5" x 4.5") Plant Press Kit includes:

2 piece Wooden Plant Press w/ Standard Nut & Bolt Brass Hardware (instructions etched on one side)
4 x Pieces of Cardboard
1 x Template to trace your blotting paper

*Blotting Paper NOT included

Packed in Muslin Drawstring bag